{"rowid": 54, "title": "Annotations in the Classroom; The Classroom in Annotations", "speaker": "Asura Enkhbayar", "time": "4:00 PM", "day": "May 9 2019", "room": "Fuller Hall", "url": "https://csvconf.com/speakers/#asura-enkhbayar", "datetime": "2019-05-09T16:00:00", "abstract": "In this talk I want to explore the impact of using Hypothesis in the classroom. What does it mean to read, think, and annotate publicly? How does it change your learning experience as a student? How do you evaluate and assess different annotation styles as a teacher?\n\nAs a student I can share my own experience of this new mode of teaching and learning. As a data scientist, I want to give a taste of possible new metrics and measurements based on annotation data. Finally, as a critical scholar I am hoping to explore how this new metrification and monitoring of reading might affect education.\n\nThe talk will rely on data outlined in this essay: https://course-journals.lib.sfu.ca/index.php/pdc2018/article/view/240/213", "image": "https://csvconf.com/img/speakers-2019/aenkhbayar.jpg"}