{"rowid": 3, "title": "The Time is Now", "speaker": "Afua Bruce", "time": "10:30 AM", "day": "May 8 2019", "room": "Main Sanctuary", "url": "https://csvconf.com/speakers/#afua-bruce", "datetime": "2019-05-08T10:30:00", "abstract": "Despite the tech world\u2019s image of being fast-moving and constantly evolving, segments of those working in, or wanting to work in, tech are often told to wait. It\u2019s no secret that the tech and data worlds do not reflect the nation\u2019s diversity. And for those of us working in Civic Tech or Public Interest Technology, the struggle to secure long-term funding for projects or identify career paths is real. What if we shifted our mindset from \u201cwith a lot of time and a lot of work, we\u2019ll figure it out,\u201d to \u201clet\u2019s experiment and incite change today.\u201d The time is now to tackle the question: as the data-driven community matures, how does it do so in a way that\u2019s inclusive and sustainable?", "image": "https://csvconf.com/img/speakers-2019/abruce.jpg"}