{"rowid": 51, "title": "Squishy Amoeba-Like Objects", "speaker": "Darius Kazemi", "time": "3:30 PM", "day": "May 9 2019", "room": "Fuller Hall", "url": "https://csvconf.com/speakers/#darius-kazemi", "datetime": "2019-05-09T15:30:00", "abstract": "On June 19th, 1970, a group of computer scientists who were inventing the internet referred to key pieces of its proposed design as \"squishy amoeba-like objects\". Amoebas are porous yet have well-defined boundaries. Thinking about these creatures gives us new ways to think about networks and communities and technology. This talk makes a case for the squishy amoeba-like object as an organizing principle for what is broadly being called \"the decentralized web\", a web outside of monolithic, monopolistic actors.", "image": "https://csvconf.com/img/speakers-2019/dkazemi.jpg"}