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0 rows where abstract = "Jane is a data scientist. Jane uses Jupyter notebooks as her working environment%2C and her presentation environment. These %E2%80%9Ccomputational essays%E2%80%9D allow Jane to present her methods and her results to her colleagues at the same time. Jane is happy with this. But sometimes it%E2%80%99s difficult for Jane to share notebooks with her colleagues%2C and even harder for them to re-mix or re-use parts of the notebook%2C or to share their changes back to Jane. And sometimes Jane finds it hard to explain the flow of a particular notebook%2C or how different notebooks are tied together. There%E2%80%99s no provision for keeping things modular. First%2C I will discuss a few up-and-coming projects that are leveraging the power of new web technologies and faster browsers to solve all of fictional Jane%E2%80%99s problems%2C and more. Second%2C I will present a prototype for my own solution that is also web-based%2C and draws inspiration from some now-uncool graphical programming languages." sorted by abstract

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Link rowid title speaker time day room url datetime abstract ▼ image
CREATE TABLE [talks] (
   [title] TEXT,
   [speaker] TEXT,
   [time] TEXT,
   [day] TEXT,
   [room] TEXT,
   [url] TEXT,
   [datetime] TEXT,
   [abstract] TEXT,
   [image] TEXT
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