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Link rowid title speaker time ▼ day room url datetime abstract image
2 Intros / Hello in Main Sanctuary   10:00 AM May 8 2019 Main Sanctuary   2019-05-08T10:00:00    
3 The Time is Now Afua Bruce 10:30 AM May 8 2019 Main Sanctuary https://csvconf.com/speakers/#afua-bruce 2019-05-08T10:30:00 Despite the tech world’s image of being fast-moving and constantly evolving, segments of those working in, or wanting to work in, tech are often told to wait. It’s no secret that the tech and data worlds do not reflect the nation’s diversity. And for those of us working in Civic Tech or Public Interest Technology, the struggle to secure long-term funding for projects or identify career paths is real. What if we shifted our mindset from “with a lot of time and a lot of work, we’ll figure it out,” to “let’s experiment and incite change today.” The time is now to tackle the question: as the data-driven community matures, how does it do so in a way that’s inclusive and sustainable? https://csvconf.com/img/speakers-2019/abruce.jpg
4 Digging for Urban and Civic Data in Eastern Europe Gleb Kanunnikau 10:30 AM May 8 2019 Fuller Hall https://csvconf.com/speakers/#gleb-kanunnikau 2019-05-08T10:30:00 The Open Data and Open Knowledge movement in developing countries is constantly bumping against the paradoxical question: is there a way to open up data when the datasets aren't yet present? Where do you get the data to make your effort worthwhile and how do you scale to make the initiative relevant to the larger society? More importantly, do the data producers (the state bodies and the surveillance apparatus, social networks or municipal service providers) share the interest of publishing data for everyone's and society's benefit? Is there a way to dig out interesting and relevant datasets that people didn't know existed to show new ways to analyze and fight urban problems, educate people about the environment, propose solutions to post-Soviet problems like unemployment, decaying public infrastructure, never-digitized cultural assets? Do we cooperate with the fashionable "Smart city" projects funded by Chinese state corporations or remain vary of the surveillance methods they introduce in cooperation with the police and other government structure? Practical cases, civic hacking and citizen data science, establishing cooperation between unlikely partners and other questions of interest for anyone interested in the community building process from scratch. https://csvconf.com/img/speakers-2019/gkanunnikau.jpg
5 Frictionless Data Processing in the Wild Amber D. York 10:30 AM May 8 2019 Daisy Bingham Room https://csvconf.com/speakers/#amber-d-york 2019-05-08T10:30:00 Frictionless Data (FD) initiatives out of Open Knowledge International provide attractive informatics and processing capabilities. The BCO-DMO data repository used FD tools on real-world datasets, and we have some lessons learned to share. By building upon existing FD tools, we found ways to reduce the amount of time data managers spend generating metadata, and writing custom scripts. We are also developing ways for data managers with varying levels of scripting ability to make use of Frictionless Data tools. https://csvconf.com/img/speakers-2019/adyork.jpg
6 Data & Social Justice Dan Phiffer 11:00 AM May 8 2019 Main Sanctuary https://csvconf.com/speakers/#dan-phiffer 2019-05-08T11:00:00 This talk will provide an overview of the course I'm currently teaching at Bennington College called Data & Social Justice. I'll outline some of the issues my students have been organizing around, as well as techniques they've developed for doing outreach, using data visualization to support their causes, and describing how I've supported their efforts through my own faculty activism. n.b., I'm only halfway through the semester, but there is already plenty of material for a talk. https://csvconf.com/img/speakers-2019/dphiffer.jpg
7 Let’s ROR together - building open research organization identifiers Maria Gould 11:00 AM May 8 2019 Fuller Hall https://csvconf.com/speakers/#maria-gould 2019-05-08T11:00:00   https://csvconf.com/img/speakers-2019/comma.jpg
8 What's Next after Notebooks? Alexander Morley 11:00 AM May 8 2019 Daisy Bingham Room https://csvconf.com/speakers/#alexander-morley 2019-05-08T11:00:00 Jane is a data scientist. Jane uses Jupyter notebooks as her working environment, and her presentation environment. These “computational essays” allow Jane to present her methods and her results to her colleagues at the same time. Jane is happy with this. But sometimes it’s difficult for Jane to share notebooks with her colleagues, and even harder for them to re-mix or re-use parts of the notebook, or to share their changes back to Jane. And sometimes Jane finds it hard to explain the flow of a particular notebook, or how different notebooks are tied together. There’s no provision for keeping things modular. First, I will discuss a few up-and-coming projects that are leveraging the power of new web technologies and faster browsers to solve all of fictional Jane’s problems, and more. Second, I will present a prototype for my own solution that is also web-based, and draws inspiration from some now-uncool graphical programming languages. https://csvconf.com/img/speakers-2019/amorley.jpg
9 Chromatocracy: The Pantone® of Mexican Social Mobility. Adrian Santuario Hernández 11:30 AM May 8 2019 Main Sanctuary https://csvconf.com/speakers/#adrian-santuario-hernández 2019-05-08T11:30:00 Skin colour ratings have been used in several studies about racial discrimination and racial attitudes but have rarely been used in Mexico. Although since 1917 the Mexican Constitution establish a legal equality of citizens without distinction as to race, sex, language or religion, it is common to see several discrimination on work spaces, educational facilities and government offices based on skin colour. Despite the last surveys leaded for INEGI (National Institute of Geography and Statistics) shows signals of racial discrimination in his reports, a glance at the map will suffice to see clearly that colour skin is an important issue for mexican social mobility. For example: 95% of the presenters on Mexican TV Shows have 1-3 colour skin tone (Based on PERLA Colour Palette) while 85% of the total Mexican population have 5-7 colour skin tone; that gap on the tones generate an aspirational sentiment of status: whiter is better. To support that correlation between skin color and social mobility I developed a Web Scraping, Machine Learning and Facial Recognition algorithm to answer two questions: Who is more successful in Mexico? (95 percent of CEO tend to have whither color skin (1-3 PERLA) that the rest) and, Are there a correlation between your political affiliation an your tone skin? (Right-wing party (PVEM) is wither that the left-wing party (PRD)). The work demonstrate how technology (Machine Learning Color Algorithm) can help to unravel hidden social dynamics in mexican culture. https://csvconf.com/img/speakers-2019/ashernández.jpg
10 Project Athena: Mapping African Militaries for Good John Stupart 11:30 AM May 8 2019 Fuller Hall https://csvconf.com/speakers/#john-stupart 2019-05-08T11:30:00 I will discuss ADR's project aimed at creating a database mapping out, literally, where each and every significant item in a country's military is. Tanks, planes, barracks and the like are being categorised and placed in our custom-made "Athena" database. Aimed at pulling open the lid on arms flows into Africa, Athena is suited for journalists and those in the humanitarian or academic field alike working in anti-corruption and transparency as it pertains to defence and military affairs. https://csvconf.com/img/speakers-2019/jstupart.jpg
11 Bash <3's CSVs: Data Analysis on the cmdline Nicholas Canzoneri 11:30 AM May 8 2019 Daisy Bingham Room https://csvconf.com/speakers/#nicholas-canzoneri 2019-05-08T11:30:00 Your bash shell has a _lot_ utilities that can be used to help you analyze your data, often easier and faster than trying to import your data to an external tool. But these utilities can be hard to find and even harder to figure out the right options. I'll walkthrough a data set and show examples of the best utility to use in different situations. I'll go over common commands like `grep` and `cut`, more exotic commands like `comm` and `tr`, and dig up very useful options to a command you might have overlooked, like `sort -k`. https://csvconf.com/img/speakers-2019/ncanzoneri.jpg
12 Lunch in Fuller Hall   12:00 PM May 8 2019 Main Sanctuary   2019-05-08T12:00:00    
13 KEYNOTE Dr. Kari L. Jordan 12:30 PM May 8 2019 Main Sanctuary   2019-05-08T12:30:00    
14 The n-of-many-ones: Fueling Community Science with Personal Data Bastian Greshake Tzovaras 1:30 PM May 8 2019 Main Sanctuary https://csvconf.com/speakers/#bastian-greshake-tzovaras 2019-05-08T13:30:00 As we are becoming more and more digitized, we are creating and collecting more personal data than ever before, offering unprecedented chances for research. This potential wealth of data for research comes practical problems such as: How to merge data streams? And how can people responsibly share their personal information? In this talk we will explore how to enable responsible personal data sharing by giving individuals granular sharing options and how this can enable community science. Furthermore, we will also see how we can scale up personal data exploration from the n-of-one to an n-of-many-ones, using a JupyterHub setup built right into a community science platform. https://csvconf.com/img/speakers-2019/bgtzovaras.jpg
15 Lessons Learned: Creating Space for Inclusive Practices in Academia Antoinette Foster & Lucille Moore 1:30 PM May 8 2019 Fuller Hall https://csvconf.com/speakers/#antoinette-foster-lucille-moore 2019-05-08T13:30:00 With the advent of big data, many people are beginning to explore fighting social inequity and structural systems of oppression with data in order to (1) define the problem and (2) affect changes in policy. We are learning that, for the most part, much of the data around these issues don’t exist, which largely reinforces systems of oppression. At Oregon Health & Science University in Portland, OR, a group of people have come together to focus on the lack of representation of historically underrepresented minorities (URM) in science as well as the lack of inclusive culture within OHSU’s graduate programs. Our group is called the Alliance for Visible Diversity in Science (AVDS). We found that data on a variety of topics, e.g. statistics on the number of URM graduate students that are interviewed/accepted/decide to matriculate, and well-designed climate surveys to assess the culture of inclusivity are lacking. This leads to decision-making and policies based on incomplete data that disproportionately hurts already vulnerable populations. For example, many programs require that applicants report their score on a standardized test called the graduate record examination (GRE) despite the fact that research shows that GRE scores are more highly correlated with socioeconomic status than student success. We would like to share what we have learned through the process of forming AVDS: our successes, our challenges, and the imperative idea that we must in part approach social inequity issues with scientific and data-driven approaches. https://csvconf.com/img/speakers-2019/afoster_lmoore.jpg
16 Measurement Lab - Open Data on Global Internet Health Chris Ritzo 1:30 PM May 8 2019 Daisy Bingham Room https://csvconf.com/speakers/#chris-ritzo 2019-05-08T13:30:00 Measurement Lab (M-Lab) is the largest open internet measurement platform in the world, hosting internet-scale measurement experiments and releasing all data into the public domain (CC0). We are an open source project with contributors from civil society organizations, educational institutions, and private sector companies, and are a fiscally sponsored project of Code for Science & Society. Our mission is to Measure the Internet, save the data, and make it universally accessible and useful. M-Lab works to advance network research and empowers the public with useful information about broadband and mobile connections by maintaining a scalable, global platform for conducting internet measurements, and by supporting an ecosystem of external partners and users around the world interested in using the resulting open data. Our users are researchers, activists, analysts, journalists, experiment developers, hosting providers, regulators, municipalities, and every day consumers. M-Lab works to enhance internet transparency, and help to promote and sustain a healthy, innovative internet by supporting our users in their research and data analyses, developing and publicizing new use cases for our datasets, forming collaborative partnerships, and building open source measurement tools. In this talk we will introduce the M-Lab platform with the csvconf audience, share how our open data and open source tools are being used by communities around the world, and provide resources on how attendees might use them as well. https://csvconf.com/img/speakers-2019/critzo.jpg
17 Social Data: Invading Privacy or Creating Better Cities? Gala Camacho 2:00 PM May 8 2019 Main Sanctuary https://csvconf.com/speakers/#gala-camacho 2019-05-08T14:00:00 Urban designers have long heralded the value of the public realm in creating stronger communities. Yet, their processes and decisions are based around data that is far removed from the community, outdated and/or based on surveys and feedback forums which are generally attended by the same group of people and which can be overtaken by lobbyists. If we want to create cities that place people at the centre, it is essential that we find data about what makes neighbourhoods connected and wholesome, neighbourhoods which provide safe spaces for their community to engage. Social data (data from social media, crowdsourcing, mapping platforms, review apps, etc) can give us an opportunity to understand how people engage in their communities and interact with the places around them. It can be used to provide insights into the social health of local places and identify vulnerabilities, to feel the heartbeat of the neighbourhood. I will talk about what social data is, some of the challenges of getting it and collating it, the data's strengths and weaknesses, and how we are trying using it to make cities more socially connected. https://csvconf.com/img/speakers-2019/gcamacho.jpg
18 Data Analysis to Improve Diversity and Equity in Graduate-Level Education Rachel Mallinga 2:00 PM May 8 2019 Fuller Hall https://csvconf.com/speakers/#rachel-mallinga 2019-05-08T14:00:00 This project grew from the need to determine what students of diverse backgrounds need to feel welcomed and represented in their graduate department at the University of Oregon. Two women of color took the initiative to conduct qualitative and quantitative research on how equity and diversity are represented in curriculum, services, and departmental resources. Based on our findings we researched resources on campus that address the problems identified in our data and best practices for graduate education implemented by similar graduate-level programs in Oregon. This talk illustrates how research methods can be used to inform institutional policies and practices to improve diversity and equity. https://csvconf.com/img/speakers-2019/rmallinga.jpg
19 Hacking Open Data in Africa Soila Kenya 2:00 PM May 8 2019 Daisy Bingham Room https://csvconf.com/speakers/#soila-kenya 2019-05-08T14:00:00 This talk will cover the tips & tricks of community-sourcing for openAFRICA.net - the largest independent repository of open data on the African continent - used in order to digitise deadwood to give citizens actionable information. Data availability in many African countries is dismal. Files upon files of important government information lay gathering dust in abandoned storage rooms. On the other hand, journalists and citizens need this information to keep governments in check and ensure they are receiving the right services. So how do you turn paper-based government archives into machine readable & API accessible digital files? https://csvconf.com/img/speakers-2019/skenya.jpg
20 The Streets of Women. An Analysis of Street Nomenclature Data in Latin America and Spain through OpenStreetMap and Wikipedia Selene Yang 2:30 PM May 8 2019 Main Sanctuary https://csvconf.com/speakers/#selene-yang 2019-05-08T14:30:00 This is a collaborative project of Geochicas to produce a map of the streets named after women in Latin America and Spain. This project seeks to link and generate content in OSM and Wikipedia about prominent women. It is intended to make a survey of information on streets, avenues, passages, roads that have the names of women and also their respective biographies in Wikipedia. https://csvconf.com/img/speakers-2019/syang.jpg
21 Using Research and Technology to Tackle Gender Bias Mollie Marr 2:30 PM May 8 2019 Fuller Hall https://csvconf.com/speakers/#mollie-marr 2019-05-08T14:30:00 Qualitative and mixed methods research studies have provided insight into the language and patterns associated with unconscious bias across multiple fields. These patterns can be converted to rules for NLP and other text analysis programs making it possible to identify bias within a written document. This talk will explore one approach using qualitative research in gender bias and letters of recommendation and evaluation to define rules for a web-based automated text analysis program using NLP. The role of research and technology in addressing structural issues such as bias will be discussed and participants will be encouraged to think about ways in which existing research might be used to inspire new solutions to social problems. https://csvconf.com/img/speakers-2019/mmarr.jpg
22 US Energy Data Liberation Zane Selvans 2:30 PM May 8 2019 Daisy Bingham Room https://csvconf.com/speakers/#zane-selvans 2019-05-08T14:30:00 An alphabet soup of government agencies like FERC, EPA, EIA, PHMSA, MSHA and the ISOs and RTOs collect and publish terabytes of data about the US energy system. It includes operating costs and fuel consumption, hourly power output and GHG emissions, and the age and length of natural gas pipelines, the price of electricity every 5 minutes at thousands of nodes in the grid, coal production numbers and much much more. In theory all this data is public and freely available, but in practice it takes a lot of wrangling to make it usable for analysis. The result: it's packaged up by one or two platform monopolies that charge tens of thousands of dollars a year for easy access, excluding most non-corporate users. But for anyone interested in the ongoing transformation of our energy system and its climate impacts, this data is a treasure trove worth excavating. The Public Utility Data Liberation project (https://github.com/catalyst-cooperative/pudl) has been working for the last 2.5 years to liberate this data and make it freely accessible to activists, data journalists, and researchers working on US climate and energy policy. This talk will take a look at what the data is, where it comes from, why it's interesting, how we're processing it and making it available, and some of the challenges we're facing and opportunities we see ahead. https://csvconf.com/img/speakers-2019/zselvans.jpg
23 Break   3:00 PM May 8 2019 Main Sanctuary   2019-05-08T15:00:00    
24 Qualitative Research Using Open Source Tools Beth Duckles & Vicky Steeves 3:30 PM May 8 2019 Main Sanctuary https://csvconf.com/speakers/#beth-duckles-vicky-steeves 2019-05-08T15:30:00 Qualitative research has long suffered from a lack of free tools for analysis, leaving no options for researchers without significant funds for software licenses. This presents significant challenges for equity. This panel discussion will explore the first two free/libre open source qualitative analysis tools out there: qcoder (R package) and Taguette (desktop application). Drawing from the diverse backgrounds of the presenters (social science, library & information science, software engineering), we will discuss what openness and extensibility means for qualitative research, and how the two tools we've built facilitate equitable, open sharing. https://csvconf.com/img/speakers-2019/bduckles_vsteeves.jpg
25 Building Communities of Practice around Environmental Open Data Science Julia Lowndes 3:30 PM May 8 2019 Fuller Hall https://csvconf.com/speakers/#julia-lowndes 2019-05-08T15:30:00 Environmental scientists are a diverse community that ranges from climatologists to geneticists, but we are united by an enormous need to work efficiently with data – and by the fact that we seldom have formal computing or data analysis training of any kind. There is great opportunity to borrow from the work of software engineers and use collaborative open tools that facilitate better science in less time. However, a fundamental shift is needed in the environmental science community that prioritizes data science and provides emerging scientific leaders training in open science tools and practices to strengthen and accelerate their work. I will discuss my work to catalyze this shift through two programs I have developed and lead at the National Center for Ecological Analysis and Synthesis (NCEAS) at the University of California at Santa Barbara. The first is the Ocean Health Index training program, which teaches international government and academic scientists how to channel the best available scientific information into marine policy using our scientific method and tools. And the second I have recently launched in January 2019 as a Mozilla Fellow: Openscapes, a mentorship program that empowers environmental scientists with open data science tools and grows the community of practice. https://csvconf.com/img/speakers-2019/jlowndes.jpg
26 Fundamentals of Research Software Sustainability Daniel S. Katz 3:30 PM May 8 2019 Daisy Bingham Room https://csvconf.com/speakers/#daniel-s-katz 2019-05-08T15:30:00 Software sustainability means different things to different groups of people, including the persistence of working software, and the persistence of people, or funding. While we can generally define sustainability as the inflow of resources is sufficient to do the needed work, where those resources both include and are somewhat transferrable into human effort, users, funders, managers, and developers (or maintainers) all mean somewhat different things when they use sustainable in the context of research software. This talk will illustrate some of these different views, and their corresponding aims. It will also provide some guidance on quantifying research software sustainability from some of these views. https://csvconf.com/img/speakers-2019/dskatz.jpg
27 Missing Data for Data - Our Quest to Clean Up Institutional Affiliations in Dryad Daniella Lowenberg, Ted Habermann 4:00 PM May 8 2019 Main Sanctuary https://csvconf.com/speakers/#daniella-lowenberg-ted-habermann 2019-05-08T16:00:00 Data publications and other scholarly outputs do not have clean information on institutional affiliations for researchers. This is caused by a mix of not asking researchers for this information up front, as well as incomplete metadata being submitted by repositories to DataCite and (publications to) Crossref. Without this standardized information we can't properly report on or provide statistics on deposits, usage metrics, or reach by institution. Join us for a session about our work using OpenRefine, organizational identifiers (ROR), and some manual sleuthing to update and improve Dryad institutional metadata for 25,000 data publications. https://csvconf.com/img/speakers-2019/dlowenberg_thabermann.jpg
28 Where Has Your Data Come From? Data Ancestry and Other Tales Dr. Tania Allard 4:00 PM May 8 2019 Fuller Hall https://csvconf.com/speakers/#dr-tania-allard 2019-05-08T16:00:00 Over the last few years, great improvements have been made around the areas of reproducible scientific computing research and FAIR (findable, accessible, interoperable and reusable) data. As a consequence, data scientists and researchers alike have started to incorporate modern software development practices in their workflows (i.e. version control, testing). More and more emphasis has been made on the need to look after the quality and validity of the software developed. But what about the data? Data validation and integrity is just as important as the adequacy of the code ingesting and processing the datasets. In this talk, I will take a high-level look at concepts such as data lineage, provenance, continuous data validation and present real-world examples in which these concepts have been applied to different real-world data pipelines increasing not only the confidence of the results obtained but also the efficiency and integrity of the workflows themselves. https://csvconf.com/img/speakers-2019/tallard.jpg
29 How to Feed Your Robot: Building and Maintaining Open Machine Learning Datasets Evan Tachovsky 4:00 PM May 8 2019 Daisy Bingham Room https://csvconf.com/speakers/#evan-tachovsky 2019-05-08T16:00:00 While algorithms and computing power get all the press, the special sauce behind many recent machine learning breakthroughs are meticulously labeled training data. Developing and maintaining these data sets as public goods is both an art and a science. In this talk I'll present a new set of best practices gleaned from interview with ~20 data set builders, maintainers, and funders. Topics include: encouraging collaboration between rival data teams; finding and addressing ethical issues with crowd labeling; launching competitions to spur data set use; and revenue generation models for sustainability. https://csvconf.com/img/speakers-2019/etachovsky.jpg
30 KEYNOTE Alix Dunn 4:30 PM May 8 2019 Main Sanctuary   2019-05-08T16:30:00    
31 Reception in Fuller Hall until 7pm   5:30 PM May 8 2019 Main Sanctuary   2019-05-08T17:30:00    
1 Warm Breakfast Buffet / Espresso Cart / Hangout time   9:00 AM May 8 2019 Main Sanctuary   2019-05-08T09:00:00    

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