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0 rows where abstract = "Data exploration and visualization are a highly accessible gateway activity to learning data science. In this talk%2C we discuss our experience with %22Data Scavenger Hunts%22 using web apps to democratize data science and make it accessible to a wide variety of audiences. In order to acheive this%2C we have developed an R package called %60burro%60 that can enable public datasets to be explored together via a sharable web app. In this talk%2C we talk about our experience with using data scavenger hunts to teach each other interesting things about data. In particular%2C we share our experiences with exploring the NHANES %28National Health Nutirition Examination Survey%29 data and the insights we have taught each other. We show that this guided and communal data exploration leads to increased confidence and curiosity about data science in Biodata-Club%2C our learning community. %60burro%60 apps can be deployed by anyone to start conversations about data." and day = "May 9 2019" sorted by url descending

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Link rowid title speaker time day room url ▲ datetime abstract image
CREATE TABLE [talks] (
   [title] TEXT,
   [speaker] TEXT,
   [time] TEXT,
   [day] TEXT,
   [room] TEXT,
   [url] TEXT,
   [datetime] TEXT,
   [abstract] TEXT,
   [image] TEXT
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