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0 rows where abstract = "The Data to Policy Project %28D2P%29 is an initiative creating meaningful learning experiences for students by using analysis of open data to generate equity and evidence-based policy proposals addressing local community needs. D2P is integrated into credit-bearing courses where students explore issues like policing and affordable housing in the Denver region. Over the course of a semester%2C students find%2C cite%2C clean%2C analyze%2C and visualize data to identify gaps or problems in policing or affordable housing%2C create policy proposals that address what they found%2C then create a research poster to communicate their findings. We encourage a critical approach to data literacy that questions the objectivity and neutrality of data and situate it in a socio-political context. The project culminates in a D2P Symposium where students present their research to their peers%2C faculty%2C staff%2C and community members. By focusing on student-initiated concerns and using real data to try and address them%2C D2P forms a connection between the courses students take and the communities they live in%2C increasing its meaning and impact. We also partner with local community organizations%2C governments%2C and nonprofits to identify and frame the research questions students explore. Our goal is to intentionally include community voices so that the research we work on is relevant%2C context-specific%2C and in the interest of the community it will impact. This presentation will communicate the challenges and benefits of this kind of work%2C how it can be replicated in other contexts%2C and invite feedback on how to improve the project." and day = "May 9 2019" sorted by room

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Link rowid title speaker time day room ▼ url datetime abstract image
CREATE TABLE [talks] (
   [title] TEXT,
   [speaker] TEXT,
   [time] TEXT,
   [day] TEXT,
   [room] TEXT,
   [url] TEXT,
   [datetime] TEXT,
   [abstract] TEXT,
   [image] TEXT
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