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Link | rowid | title | speaker | time | day | room | url | datetime ▼ | abstract | image |
35 | 35 | The Data to Policy Project: Using Data to Build More Equitable Communities | Melissa Mejia | 11:00 AM | May 9 2019 | Fuller Hall | | 2019-05-09T11:00:00 | The Data to Policy Project (D2P) is an initiative creating meaningful learning experiences for students by using analysis of open data to generate equity and evidence-based policy proposals addressing local community needs. D2P is integrated into credit-bearing courses where students explore issues like policing and affordable housing in the Denver region. Over the course of a semester, students find, cite, clean, analyze, and visualize data to identify gaps or problems in policing or affordable housing, create policy proposals that address what they found, then create a research poster to communicate their findings. We encourage a critical approach to data literacy that questions the objectivity and neutrality of data and situate it in a socio-political context. The project culminates in a D2P Symposium where students present their research to their peers, faculty, staff, and community members. By focusing on student-initiated concerns and using real data to try and address them, D2P forms a connection between the courses students take and the communities they live in, increasing its meaning and impact. We also partner with local community organizations, governments, and nonprofits to identify and frame the research questions students explore. Our goal is to intentionally include community voices so that the research we work on is relevant, context-specific, and in the interest of the community it will impact. This presentation will communicate the challenges and benefits of this kind of work, how it can be replicated in other contexts, and invite feedback on how to improve the project. | |
38 | 38 | Preparing Clients for Open Source Contributions | Aaron Couch | 11:30 AM | May 9 2019 | Fuller Hall | | 2019-05-09T11:30:00 | At CivicActions we've developed a number of methodologies to help enable our clients to be a part of the open source community. This talk will focus on a number of those strategies including capture management, project roles and tools, and reporting measures. This talk will be slightly shorter to allow for time for a more collaborative discussion. | |
44 | 44 | Crafting Data-Driven Stories for the Everyday Reader | Marisa Aquilina | 2:00 PM | May 9 2019 | Fuller Hall | | 2019-05-09T14:00:00 | Journalists don’t write for other journalists—they write for the curious and community-minded public. In the same way, statistical journalism should not be a black box of visualizations and narrative meant only for data makers like us. Crafting data-driven stories for a general audience means giving readers an opportunity to interact with a fun and practical use case while explaining the interpretative thinking that lies under the hood of statistical methods. I am an undergraduate at Cal Poly that writes and builds interactive, data-driven publishings with a team of students. I'll walk you through how we ideate fascinating questions, make methods explainable, and use Jupyter Notebooks to share reproducible code. | |
47 | 47 | How a File Format Led to a Crossword Scandal | Saul Pwanson | 2:30 PM | May 9 2019 | Fuller Hall | | 2019-05-09T14:30:00 | In 2016 I designed a plain-text file format for crossword puzzle data, and then spent a couple of months building a micro-data-pipeline, scraping tens of thousands of crosswords from various sources. Then, having all those crosswords in a simple format, I wanted to see if there were any common grid patterns--and discovered egregious plagiarism by a major crossword editor that had gone on for years. This talk would cover the file format, data pipeline, and the design choices that aided rapid exploration; the evidence for the scandal, from the initial anomalies to the final damning visualization; and what it's like for a data project to get 15 minutes of fame. | |
51 | 51 | Squishy Amoeba-Like Objects | Darius Kazemi | 3:30 PM | May 9 2019 | Fuller Hall | | 2019-05-09T15:30:00 | On June 19th, 1970, a group of computer scientists who were inventing the internet referred to key pieces of its proposed design as "squishy amoeba-like objects". Amoebas are porous yet have well-defined boundaries. Thinking about these creatures gives us new ways to think about networks and communities and technology. This talk makes a case for the squishy amoeba-like object as an organizing principle for what is broadly being called "the decentralized web", a web outside of monolithic, monopolistic actors. | |
54 | 54 | Annotations in the Classroom; The Classroom in Annotations | Asura Enkhbayar | 4:00 PM | May 9 2019 | Fuller Hall | | 2019-05-09T16:00:00 | In this talk I want to explore the impact of using Hypothesis in the classroom. What does it mean to read, think, and annotate publicly? How does it change your learning experience as a student? How do you evaluate and assess different annotation styles as a teacher? As a student I can share my own experience of this new mode of teaching and learning. As a data scientist, I want to give a taste of possible new metrics and measurements based on annotation data. Finally, as a critical scholar I am hoping to explore how this new metrification and monitoring of reading might affect education. The talk will rely on data outlined in this essay: | |
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