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Link | rowid ▼ | title | speaker | time | day | room | url | datetime | abstract | image |
20 | 20 | The Streets of Women. An Analysis of Street Nomenclature Data in Latin America and Spain through OpenStreetMap and Wikipedia | Selene Yang | 2:30 PM | May 8 2019 | Main Sanctuary | | 2019-05-08T14:30:00 | This is a collaborative project of Geochicas to produce a map of the streets named after women in Latin America and Spain. This project seeks to link and generate content in OSM and Wikipedia about prominent women. It is intended to make a survey of information on streets, avenues, passages, roads that have the names of women and also their respective biographies in Wikipedia. | |
46 | 46 | Beyond the WARC: Making Web Archives More Useful and User-friendly | Ilya Kreymer | 2:30 PM | May 9 2019 | Main Sanctuary | | 2019-05-09T14:30:00 | Archives of the web contain not only web pages but any type of data. The only standard in web archiving is the ISO WARC file format, which specifies raw data captured from the web. However, the WARC files often lack any context or metadata about how this data was captured. The talk will briefly cover the basics of the WARC format, and also provide possible ideas for making web archiving data more user-friendly, present existing tools and suggest ideas for interoperable ways to describe collections and make sense of growing web archive data beyond the WARC format. | |
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CREATE TABLE [talks] ( [title] TEXT, [speaker] TEXT, [time] TEXT, [day] TEXT, [room] TEXT, [url] TEXT, [datetime] TEXT, [abstract] TEXT, [image] TEXT )