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0 rows where abstract = "Skin colour ratings have been used in several studies about racial discrimination and racial attitudes but have rarely been used in Mexico. Although since 1917 the Mexican Constitution establish a legal equality of citizens without distinction as to race%2C sex%2C language or religion%2C it is common to see several discrimination on work spaces%2C educational facilities and government offices based on skin colour. Despite the last surveys leaded for INEGI %28National Institute of Geography and Statistics%29 shows signals of racial discrimination in his reports%2C a glance at the map will suffice to see clearly that colour skin is an important issue for mexican social mobility. For example%3A 95%25 of the presenters on Mexican TV Shows have 1-3 colour skin tone %28Based on PERLA Colour Palette%29 while 85%25 of the total Mexican population have 5-7 colour skin tone%3B that gap on the tones generate an aspirational sentiment of status%3A whiter is better. To support that correlation between skin color and social mobility I developed a Web Scraping%2C Machine Learning and Facial Recognition algorithm to answer two questions%3A Who is more successful in Mexico%3F %2895 percent of CEO tend to have whither color skin %281-3 PERLA%29 that the rest%29 and%2C Are there a correlation between your political affiliation an your tone skin%3F %28Right-wing party %28PVEM%29 is wither that the left-wing party %28PRD%29%29. The work demonstrate how technology %28Machine Learning Color Algorithm%29 can help to unravel hidden social dynamics in mexican culture.", datetime = "2019-05-08T11%3A30%3A00" and speaker = "Adrian Santuario Hern%C3%A1ndez"

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Link rowid title speaker time day room url datetime abstract image
CREATE TABLE [talks] (
   [title] TEXT,
   [speaker] TEXT,
   [time] TEXT,
   [day] TEXT,
   [room] TEXT,
   [url] TEXT,
   [datetime] TEXT,
   [abstract] TEXT,
   [image] TEXT
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