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0 rows where abstract = "This talk will discuss the Binder Project in the context of open data and open science%2C two primary use-cases that have driven the project. It will cover the basics of the Binder Project%2C such as how to define a reproducible repository to share with others. It will then discuss one of Binder%27s core goals%2C which is to build on open standards to facilitate the use of %2Amany%2A open languages%2C interfaces%2C etc. Finally I%27ll discuss how BinderHub%2C the technology behind a Binder deployment%2C is itself open source and deployable anywhere. I%27ll finish by describing a goal of distributed%2C federated BinderHubs that provide a network of reproducible data analytics environments.", day = "May 9 2019" and speaker = "Chris Holdgraf"

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Link rowid title speaker time day room url datetime abstract image
CREATE TABLE [talks] (
   [title] TEXT,
   [speaker] TEXT,
   [time] TEXT,
   [day] TEXT,
   [room] TEXT,
   [url] TEXT,
   [datetime] TEXT,
   [abstract] TEXT,
   [image] TEXT
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